SVdP Jubilarian Program for Retired Vincentians
“Whatever happened to Joe?”
“I don’t know, he just stopped coming one day!”
We’ve all heard this before, Vincentians just seem to disappear, gone either because of their own health problems or their spouse's health, or maybe they have just retired. Through no fault of their own they can no longer serve, but are still Vincentians at heart.
A committee was formed to come up with a way to recognize and honor our own legends, our Jubilarians, with an appropriate prayer service and a gift to commemorate their dedication to the Society.
Each conference should form a committee to identify and contact these Jubilarians. They should make a home visit to interview and listen to their story. They should collect and record biographical information on a data form. Then set up a return visit for a liturgical prayer service and presentation.
The presentation can either be individual at the Jubilarian’s home or as a group or public celebration. Recognize and honor the Jubilarian with an appropriate prayer service. Take photos to record the moment. Present them with a certificate of appreciation and a gift to thank them for sharing their life with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The honor of Jubilarian is to share with their family as a legacy of their life.
So form a committee, order a Jubilarian presentation kit, and get started!