Knights of Columbus Nativity Coloring Book

Our Country is becoming more and more secular. It is now politically incorrect to say "Merry Christmas." Instead, we say "Happy Holidays." There are no more Christmas Carols; they are now "Holiday Songs." We no longer decorate the Christmas Tree. It has been replaced by the Holiday Tree. On Christmas Eve, our families are so engrossed in Santa and presents that they forget or do not know the true meaning of Christmas. That is, remembering and celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, over 2000 years ago.

As Knights, let's begin to change that by sponsoring the Religious Education program in your parish with these beautiful Knights of Columbus Nativity Coloring Books. As the children color and read, they learn the true story of Christmas directly from Scripture. When the books enter the household, the stories are then shared with the family, in return sparking the discussion and relevance of Christmas, and its true meaning. Christ has now become the focal point of Christmas. Not Santa Claus.

Help put Christ back into Christmas with our Catholic Children.

The Knights of Columbus Nativity Coloring Books include the scriptural passages of the Annunciation, the Birth, the Angels, the Shepherds, and the Magi.

Printed in English and Spanish.

$.60 each (minimum order of 100)