DeColores Cursillos
Welcome to the only website dedicated to helping you relive your Cursillo weekend experience every day. We hope that our products will assist you in letting your light burn brightly as we boldly proclaim the joy of our Cursillo weekend.
MagnaliteCatholic.Com can custom design products for your parish or upcoming Cursillo team so if you don't see what you are looking for, call us and we'll custom design it just for you! As Cursillistas, it is our pleasure to help you continue to proclaim the message of Cursillo with our beautiful logoed product.
Thanks for visiting, DeColores!
Bienvendios a nuestros hermanos Cursillistas! Aqui tenemos productos revivir su experencia de Cusillo y para proclmar el mensaje del Espiritu Santo. Si no hallan lo que estan buscando, tambien hacemos productos especialmente de medida.
Gracias por su visitacion y De Colores!

Palanca Cards
Comes in Packets of 10. 5 Packet purchase minimum.
25" X 5.5" Palanca Cards and Envelopes.
Both Designs Included.
$3.00 per packet

Magnalite Catholic Carries a complete line of Golf Shirts, Baseball Caps, Sweat Shirts, Kitchen Aprons, and more! Just give us a call.
In addition to these designs, we offer custom t-shirt designs and creations for your Cursillo Team.
Call us to find out how easy it is to have your very own Custom Cursillo Team apparel made for you! We are Cursillistas, let us help you share the joy of Cursillo with a beautiful shirt designed for you.
Ladies Transfiguration
Ever tried to describe the Cursillo experience to a new candidate? Just tell them to look at the logo on this shirt, and it tells it all.
You go in one way, and come out Transfigured by the Holy Spirit. What a great palanca for that new Cursillista. Ladies shirts feature this design on the front, with the Gallito logo on the back. Shirts are available in a heavyweight 100% cotton Pink t-shirt.
Sizes: Small - XXXLarge
$12.00 each
(add $2.00 for XXL and XXXL Sizes)

Mens Transfiguration
Ever tried to describe the Cursillo experience to a new candidate? Just tell them to look at the logo on this shirt, and it tells it all.
You go in one way, and come out Transfigured by the Holy Spirit. What a great palanca for that new Cursillista. Men's shirts feature this design on the front, with the Gallito logo on the back. Shirts are available in a heavyweight 100% cotton. Navy t-shirt.
Sizes: Small - XXXLarge
$12.00 each
(add $2.00 for XXL and XXXL Sizes)

Aztec Virgin
We are proud to offer you this beautiful design as a tribute to our patroness and the protector of our Cursillo Movement, our Blessed Vigencita (Blessed Mother). This shirt is available on black or white 100% heavy-cotton t-shirts that can be worn by both men and women.
Call for more information on customizing this shirt with your Cursillo # on the back. We can also print this logo on Kitchen Team aprons to give your kitchen team that great Cursillo look and Spirit. Call us for details.
Sizes: Small - XXXLarge
$12.00 each
(add $2.00 for XXL and XXXL Sizes)

Future Cursillista
Get them started early with this youth design featuring a pollito (baby chick) and Future Cursillista.
This design is only available in youth sizes. Let your child show their pride in Mom and Dad's Custillo experience with their very own Cursillo t-shirt.
Special sizing for youth T-shirts is as follows:
Small (6-8)
Medium (10-14)
Large (14-16)
XLarge (18)
$10.00 each
(Tan or Yellow Shirts available)

El Gallito
The Rooster
Show off your colors with our famous el Gallito printed full front on an adult t-shirt. This shirt is available in black, as shown, or on white. We use 100% cotton heavy-weight shirts that can be worn by both men and women. All shirts are available in sizes S - XXXLarge.
Call for more information on customizing this shirt with your Cursillo# on the back.
$12.00 each
(add $2.00 for XXL and XXXL Sizes)